Today i rode a bike around the historical town of køge. Its a beautiful old town with all the old markings of the old european way of building in place.
The town square in køge. Market days are always on the weekends. Farmers bring all sorts of vegetables to sell during the weekends. It is also a lovely open place to enjoy the summer sun. A half-timber house in køge (below). The most old building is a small timber house built way back in 1523. Its still standing strong!
The tower of the catholic church in køge.

The town square in køge. Market days are always on the weekends. Farmers bring all sorts of vegetables to sell during the weekends. It is also a lovely open place to enjoy the summer sun. A half-timber house in køge (below). The most old building is a small timber house built way back in 1523. Its still standing strong!

The tower of the catholic church in køge.

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