The International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), a non-profit that specialises in information and communication technologies (ICTs) organised a roundtable workshop to discuss issues affecting sustainability of telecentres.

This is entire team debating issues at tilapia hotel, mwanza (tanzania). Hirnoy Bamerdas (standing) is giving his presentation on how mwanza is covered by wifi signals. We had representatives from IICD in foreground: Bernadette Huizinga, Richard Fischer & Miep Lenoir. The other participants were: Naomi Masella (Cromabu telecentre - mwanza), Charles Ngatigwa (Mazingira telecentre - shinyanga), Mark Farahani (Kilosa telecentre - kilosa), Joyce Mutta (kibengwe telecentre - Bukoba), A. Karsan (union of tanzania press club - chairman) & John Kibuuka (FADECO telecentre - Karagwe)

Bernadette & Richard taking a moment to let the issues affecting telecentres in the rural areas in tanzania fully sink in.

The entire group taking time off in the evening after a long day.
Some of the conclusions at the workshop was to form a national telecentre network linking all telecentre managers in the country and encourage more telecentre-to-telecentre visits as way of learning from eachother. With the newly formed relationships & friendships, everybody was pledging support towards helping eachother towards providing information to the rural communities wherever we may be based.

This is entire team debating issues at tilapia hotel, mwanza (tanzania). Hirnoy Bamerdas (standing) is giving his presentation on how mwanza is covered by wifi signals. We had representatives from IICD in foreground: Bernadette Huizinga, Richard Fischer & Miep Lenoir. The other participants were: Naomi Masella (Cromabu telecentre - mwanza), Charles Ngatigwa (Mazingira telecentre - shinyanga), Mark Farahani (Kilosa telecentre - kilosa), Joyce Mutta (kibengwe telecentre - Bukoba), A. Karsan (union of tanzania press club - chairman) & John Kibuuka (FADECO telecentre - Karagwe)

Bernadette & Richard taking a moment to let the issues affecting telecentres in the rural areas in tanzania fully sink in.

The entire group taking time off in the evening after a long day.
Some of the conclusions at the workshop was to form a national telecentre network linking all telecentre managers in the country and encourage more telecentre-to-telecentre visits as way of learning from eachother. With the newly formed relationships & friendships, everybody was pledging support towards helping eachother towards providing information to the rural communities wherever we may be based.
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