I have had quite a good number of good blog followers in and around africa, according to my blog stats. Some of these are known to me, either from past IT workshops, email, msn and others are strangers.
To the IT guys who do read IT stuff that i post on this blog, allow me to pose a few questions to you;
-Ever had the interest of sharing and learning IT skills and experience within a limited period of time?
-Want to know, learn and experiment with the latest technology in terms of hacking, Operating systems, etc right from the experts in the game?
-Enjoy IT talk?
-Would you like to join "elite" IT forums with "kool" IT experts who are known to you, help you with everyday IT challenges, share new ideas?
Well, this and more is what you always find at the wireless community camps that are organized in europe. 2006 was great for me because, i do not regret attending the Djurslands International Institute of Rural Wireless Broadband, DIIRWB and wifisoft.org organised community camps. Today, am setting up long distance WiFi networks with skills and plenty of support from friends that i met during those two camps.
Join the mailing lists of wifisoft.org or better still check out their website for more info on how to get involved. Email me if you feel my experience in attending last year's camp could be of valuable help to you.
At these camps, there is always a multitude of people from different parts of the world who are ready to share their experiences on using Information technology, for instance; Germany, UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Georgia, east Africa, etc
Download the diirwb bronchure on their activities and the people to contact, here
To the IT guys who do read IT stuff that i post on this blog, allow me to pose a few questions to you;
-Ever had the interest of sharing and learning IT skills and experience within a limited period of time?
-Want to know, learn and experiment with the latest technology in terms of hacking, Operating systems, etc right from the experts in the game?
-Enjoy IT talk?
-Would you like to join "elite" IT forums with "kool" IT experts who are known to you, help you with everyday IT challenges, share new ideas?

Join the mailing lists of wifisoft.org or better still check out their website for more info on how to get involved. Email me if you feel my experience in attending last year's camp could be of valuable help to you.
At these camps, there is always a multitude of people from different parts of the world who are ready to share their experiences on using Information technology, for instance; Germany, UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Georgia, east Africa, etc
Download the diirwb bronchure on their activities and the people to contact, here
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